Lala : Temen temen dapatkan kalian membantuku?
lulu: dengan senang hat, apa yang bisa bantu, lala?
lili : bagian mana yang tidak kamu paham, lala,?
lala : aku kurang memahami bagian yang ini
syifa : coba sini aku lihat, oh.... sepertinya aku mengerti!
syifa : Jadi bagian ini kita di suruh membaca kemudian meringkas hasil dari bacaan tersebut
lala : oh... sekarang aku sudah mengerti, terimakasih temen temen
Lala : Friends, can you help me?
lulu: with pleasure, what can help, lala?
lili : which part do you not understand, lala,?
lala : I don't understand this part
syifa : try here I see, oh.... I think I understand!
syifa : So we are asked to read this section and then summarize the results of the reading
lala : oh... now i understand, thank you friends
maap kalo salah
Lala : friends can you help me?
Lulu : with pleasure, what can help, Lala?
Lili : which part di you not understand Lala?
Lala : i don't understand this part
Syifa : let me see, oh.... i think i understand!
Syifa : so we are asked to read this section and then summarize the results of the reading
Lala : oh... now i understand, thanks friends
maaf kalau salah