107 Principes Immobiliers (pour Investir comme un Pro et S'enrichir avec la Pierre) (French Edition)

107 Principes Immobiliers (pour Investir comme un Pro et S'enrichir avec la Pierre) (French Edition)

Matematika Lee bought a 2.79 kg cake. He cut the cake into 9 equal slices and gave away 6 slices to his friends. How many grams of the cake was left?

Lee bought a 2.79 kg cake. He cut the cake into 9 equal slices and gave away 6 slices to his friends. How many grams of the cake was left?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2.79 kg --->2.790 g

2.790 × 3 ÷ 9

8.370 ÷ 9